Doctor în Științe Medicale Ioana Valentina Gherghinescu

Medic Specialist
217 recenzii Aceasta reprezinta o medie a calificativelor atribuite de pacienti dupa interactiunea cu medicul in timpul consultatiei, fiind inregistrata in sistemul electronic de feedback.
Ioana Valentina Gherghinescu
Ioana Valentina Gherghinescu
Doctor în Științe Medicale Ioana Valentina Gherghinescu
Medic Specialist
217 recenzii Aceasta reprezinta o medie a calificativelor atribuite de pacienti dupa interactiunea cu medicul in timpul consultatiei, fiind inregistrata in sistemul electronic de feedback.
• Ianuarie 2022- prezent: Consultant in lactaţie certificat international (IBCLC) - Clinica de Alăptare
• 06/06/2019 - prezent: Medic specialist Pediatrie, Spitalul Medicover
2015 - 2017: Medic rezident (activitate in garzi) - Spitalul de Pediatrie Medlife
2014 - 2017: Medic rezident (activitate in garzi CPU) - Institutul National de Boli Infectioase „Matei Bals”
2013 - 2017: Medic rezident - Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta pentru Copii „Grigore Alexandrescu”
2017 - 2019: Medic specialist - Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta pentru Copii „Grigore Alexandrescu”, Unitatea Primiri Urgente
2019 - prezent: Medic specialist, Clinica de Alaptare
2021 - prezent: Specializare Gastroenterologie Pediatrica, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta pentru Copii „Grigore Alexandrescu”
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila - Bucuresti (2012 r.)
  • Septembrie 2021 - Diploma de certificare “International Board Certified Lactation Consultant” International Board of lactation Consultant Examiners

  • Februarie 2021  - Doctor în ştiinţe medicale, UMF "Carol Davila" Bucuresti; “Managementul nutriţional al pacienţilor cu atrezie de esofag”

  • 2006 - 2012: Licenta - Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie „Carol Davila”, Bucuresti

  • 2014 - 2021: Doctor in Stiinte Medicale - Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie „Carol Davila”,  Bucuresti - POSDRU/187/1.5/S/155463 „Managementul nutriţional al pacienţilor cu malformaţii de tub digestiv”
  • August 2019: Formator (trainer) - ATHENA - Centru de calificare si perfectionare


  • Mai 2022: “Fibroza chistica- abordare practica, diagnostica si terapeutica”, UMF “Victor Babes” Timisoara
  • Decembrie 2021: “Curs de Boli Infectioase Pediatrice, editia a XIV-a”, Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov
  • Ianuarie 2021: Notiuni de nutritie clinica in patologia pediatrica, UMF “Carol Davila”, Bucuresti
  • Noiembrie 2020: Monitorizarea in pediatrie - Intre teorie si practica, Bucuresti 
  • Iulie-August 2020: “Ecografia Sistemului Nervos Central (rolul ultrasonografiei cerebrale in evaluarea efectului nutritiei asupra neurotroficitatii)”, Universitatea “Titu Maiorescu”, Bucuresti
  • Mai 2020: Planul National de Vaccinare, UMF „Carol Davila”, Bucuresti
  • Decembrie 2019: EAACI Allergy School on Food Allergy: Trends and Novelties, Paris, Franta
  • Iunie 2018: Curs de 90 de ore de specializare in lactatie, Bucuresti
  • Iunie 2017: Esseantials in Paediatric Radiology, Bucuresti
  • Noiembrie 2016: Monitorizarea in pediatrie - Intre teorie si practica, Bucuresti 
  • Octombrie 2016: ESPGHAN Paediatric Gastroenterology School, Florenta, Italia
  • Septembrie 2016: Clinical Hepatology Practice: From Science to Therapy, Falk Foundation, Birmingham, Marea Britanie
  • Iulie 2015: ESPGHAN Nutrition Summer School, Cambridge
  • Mai 2015: XIII ESPU Educational Course, Bucuresti
  • Noiembrie 2014: 6th Est-European and Mediterranean Teaching Course on Pediatric Infectious Disease; 7th European Society of Pediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID) Supported Teaching Course, Brasov


  • Actualitati in Gastroenterologia si Alergologia Pediatrica, Bucuresti, Februarie 2021
  • National Conference of Pediatrics, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
  • Conferinţa Naţională ROVACCIN 2014, 2020
  • Conferinta Colegiului Medicilor din Municipiul Bucuresti, Martie 2019
  • Conferinta Nationala cu Participare Internationala “I-PEM Iasi- Pediatric Emergency Medicine”, Septembrie 2018
  • Nutriţia copilului sănătos şi bolnav. Strategii actuale şi de perspectivă, Bucureşti, 2015
  • 4th Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting, Berlin, Germany, October 2015
  • 7th Europaediatrics, Florence, Italy, May 2015
  • National Congress of Pediatrics, 2013, 2015
  • 6th National Conference of Pediatric Pneumology, Bucuresti, Romania, April 2014
  • National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition, Sibiu, Romania, November 2014
  • Conferinţa Naţională “Antibioticele- între uz şi abuz”, Bucureşti, 2014
  • Congresul UMF ”Carol Davila”  Bucuresti, Mai 2014
Lucrări publicate
  • ROMANIAN COMPLEMENTARY FEEDING PRACTICES VS ESPGHAN GUIDELINE, C Becheanu, G Lesanu, I Tincu, D Boghitoiu, A Mantea, A Moraru, A Munteanu, IV Nenciu, R Smadeanu, V Sobek, A Ulmeanu, presented as oral communication at The 11th National Congress of Pediatrics with international participation, Tg. Mures, Romania, September 2013.
  • DIAGNOSTIC DIFFICULTIES IN A CASE OF PNEUMOCYSTIS JIROVECII PNEUMONIA, IV Nenciu, S Mosescu, A Ulmeanu, C Zapucioiu, presented as poster communication at The 11th National Congress of Pediatrics with international participation, Tg. Mures, Romania, September 2013.
  • DIAGNOSTIC DIFFICULTIES IN A CASE OF IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSIS, A Ulmeanu, S Mosescu, C Zapucioiu, A Lazar, IV Nenciu, presented as poster communication at The 6th National Conference of Pediatric Pneumology, Bucuresti, Romania, April 2014.
  • PARENTS COMPLEMENTARY FEEDING RELATED INFORMATION SOURCES - AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY, I. Tincu, A. Moraru, R. Smadeanu, IV. Nenciu, G. Lesanu, C. Becheanu, presented as oral communication at The 5th Congress of European Academy of Paediatric Societies, Barcelona, Spain, October 2014 and published in Arch Dis Child 2014; 99: A39.
  • INDICATIONS FOR GASTROSTOMY TUBE PLACEMENT IN A CLINICAL EMERGENCY HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN, IV Nenciu, A Lazar, AF Nita, L Topor, AM Bradeanu, IF Tincu, CA Becheanu, presented as oral communication at the National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition, Sibiu, Romania, November 2014.
  • ILEOSTOMY – THE EXPERIENCE OF THE OLDEST PEDIATRIC HOSPITAL IN ROMANIA, AF Nita, b, A Lazar,  AM Bradeanu, L Topor, IF Tincu, CA Becheanu, presented as oral communication at the National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology an Pediatric Nutrition, Sibiu, Romania, November 2014.
  • CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT - FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE OF A TERTIARY REFERRAL HOSPITAL, A Lazar, IV Nenciu, AF Nita, L Topor, AM Bradeanu, IF Tincu, CA Becheanu, presented as poster communication at the National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology an Pediatric Nutrition, Sibiu, Romania, November 2014.
  • ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS ETIOLOGY IN INFANTS ADMITTED TO AN EMERGENCY CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, I.V. Nenciu, A.F. Nita, A.V. Sobek, A. Lazar, I.F. Tincu, C.A. Becheanu, G. Lesanu, presented as oral communication at the National Conference of Pediatrics, Bucuresti, Romania, April 2015.
  • SEVERE BILATERAL NECROTIZING PNEUMONIA COMPLICATED BY EMPYEMA AND CARDIAC FAILURE IN A TWO YEARS OLD CHILD – CASE REPORT, A.Ulmeanu, C. Zapucioiu, S. Mosescu, A. Lazar, I.V. Nenciu, presented as poster communication at the National Conference of Pediatrics, Bucuresti, Romania, April 2015.
  • HIGH PROTEIN INTAKE DURING COMPLEMENTARY FEEDING RESULTS IN RAPID GROWTH AROUND 1 YEAR OF AGE, I Tincu, R Smadeanu, I Nenciu, C Becheanu, D Oraseanu, presented as poster communication at the 48th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 2015.
  • PRIMARY CARE OR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT IN CASE OF PEDIATRIC ACUTE DISEASE? THE EXPERIENCE OF A TERTIARY EMERGENCY HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN IN BUCHAREST, I.V. Nenciu, A.F. Nita, A.V. Sobek, A. Lazar, I.F. Tincu, C.A. Becheanu, G. Lesanu, D. Oraseanu, presented as oral communication at the 7th Europaediatrics Congress of the European Paediatric Association (EPA) and the Union of National European Paediatric Societies and Associations (UNEPSA), Florence, Italy, May 2015.
  • WHO`S RESPONSIBLE FOR PEDIATRIC ANTIBIOTIC MISUSE? A.F. Nita, A.S. Gheorghe, M.R. Huhu, O.C. Ioghen, I.V. Nenciu, C.A. Becheanu, G. Lesanu, G.L.Popa, D. Oraseanu, M.I. Popa,  presented as poster communication at the 7th Europaediatrics Congress of the European Paediatric Association (EPA) and the Union of National European Paediatric Societies and Associations (UNEPSA), Florence, Italy, May 2015.
  • TUBERCULOSIS IN ROMANIA- FIVE YEARS RETROSPECTIVE STUDY IN A PEDIATRICS DEPARTMENT, Alexandru Ulmeanu, Lavinia Coteanu, Adina Lazar, Ioana Nenciu, Carmen Zapucioiu, presented as poster communication at the 7th Europaediatrics Congress of the European Paediatric Association (EPA) and the Union of National European Paediatric Societies and Associations (UNEPSA), Florence, Italy, May 2015.
  • SHOULD WE RELY ON LABORATORY FINDINGS REGARDING DEHYDRATION IN INFANTS WITH ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS? A. Lazar, I.V. Nenciu, A.F. Nita, I. Tincu, C. Becheanu, presented as poster communication at the 7th Europaediatrics Congress of the European Paediatric Association (EPA) and the Union of National European Paediatric Societies and Associations (UNEPSA), Florence, Italy, May 2015.
  • A CASE OF UNCONTROLLED ASTHMA IN A 6-YEAR-OLD PATIENT, I.V. Nenciu, A.F. Nita, A. Ulmeanu, D. Oraseanu, C. Zapucioiu, presented as oral communication at the 4th Pediatric Allergy and Astha Meeting, Berlin, Germany, October 2015.
  • SEVERE ASTHMA EXACERBATION COMPLICATED WITH PNEUMOTHORAX IN A CHILD WITH UNCONTROLLED ASTHMA DUE TO POOR TREATMENT COMPLIANCE, I.V. Nenciu, A.F. Nita, A. Lazar, A. Ulmeanu, C. Zapucioiu, D. Oraseanu, presented as poster communication at the 4th Pediatric Allergy and Astha Meeting, Berlin, Germany, October 2015.
  • FOOD ALLERGY IN CHILDEN: EVALUATION OF PARENTS USE OF ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA, A.F. Nita, I.V. Nenciu, A. Lazar, D. Oraseanu, presented as poster communication at the 4th Pediatric Allergy and Astha Meeting, Berlin, Germany, October 2015.
  • PROBIOTICS, PREBIOTICS AND SYNBIOTICS – EXCESSIVE USE OR A REAL NECESSITY?, C.A. Becheanu, V. Sobek, I. Nenciu, A. Lazar, A. Nita, I.F. Tincu, presented as poster communication at the 7th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference, London, England, December 2015.
  • DIAGNOSTIC DIFFICULTIES IN AN INFANT WITH JEJUNAL ATRESIA, FAILURE TO THRIVE, ACUTE CHOLECYSTITIS AND HEPATITIS- A CASE REPORT, I.V. Nenciu, R.E Smadeanu, C. Jurjiu, S. Mosescu, accepted as poster communcation at ”Clinical Hepatology Practice in 2016: From Science to Therapy” Symposia, organized by Falk Foundation, Birmingham, Great Britain, September 2016
  • ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA ASSOCIATED ANOMALIES - THE EXPERIENCE OF AN EMERGENCY HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN IN BUCHAREST, ROMANIA, I.V. Nenciu, A.M. Bradeanu, I.F. Tincu , F.B. Djendov, C.A. Becheanu, accepted as poster comunication at the 6th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2016
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